
Random Challenge for Monday

List 5 or more false impressions you give people when you first meet them. Things they assume of you but is completely wrong.

WOW! This is tough. I never really know what people think about me.

1) That I'm stuck-up. I'm really just quiet around strangers.
2) That I'm a good girl. Totally not (all the time).
3) That I have OCD. I just like things a certain way.
4) That I'm mean!
5) That I'm younger than 27.


Unknown said...

wow, we have something in common, people think I am mean and stuck up too. I didn't list this, but everyone thinks i am a teenager and I am 31 years old.

April said...

Those sound a lot like the misconceptions people have about me. We must have similar personalities :D ~April

Michelle W. said...

lol. I guess in my case I had people just said things to me later on like "wow, when I first met you, you were like..." So I get the first response. OCD thing is too funny!!!
