
Green beans in the Hizz-ouse!

Thank God I'm a country girl! I spent today up at my grandparents house in Smithville picking green beans from their garden. A whole 5 gallon bucket full! I ended up leaving with 12 quarts that had just been canned. YUM! They are my FAVORITE! I also got to get a "mess" of squash as my grandma calls it.

We usually don't have to help out much with the garden, but my grandparents aren't doing so well this summer. My grandma is in remission from endometrial cancer...it's been less than a year since her last chemo treatment, and my grandpa had eye surgery on July 3rd for maculaur degeneration disease. He can get around, but can't see, and she sees well but can't get around. They're both basically in denial about getting old and that's why they put out a garden (or had my cousin plant it). That's just what they've always done I guess. But hey, I'm more than willing to help out if I get to reap the benefits of good fresh veggies!


ashkaitnjakesmom said...

Yum!! What kind of squash is it?? I love squash!! :)

Monica said...

Just yellow squash :)

Kristen said...

I so need to plant a garden. I would love to have fresh veggies. It's just the upkeep I would hate.
And bugs. And dirt.

Sorry about your g-parents health. Sounds like their complete with each other...one can be the eyes, the other the feet.

ashkaitnjakesmom said...

I would love a garden too! Just being at my moms with all the fresh fruit and veggies, was awesome! I love Butternut Squash :) My mom makes it for turkey day! :)