
My big boy is POTTY TRAINED!!!

FINALLY! My time off was put to good use! Just kidding....don't ask me how I did it, don't ask me for any advice or suggestions when you're potty training, because I won't be able to help.

I have been putting Bryce in underwear for about the past 3 months when we're just hanging out around the house. I would TRY to make him go sit on the potty atleast once an hour. Nothing ever happened. He always went in his underwear and DIDN'T CARE! I always heard from other parents that this method would work because kids don't like the wet feeling. Not Bryce. He wouldn't flinch.

Chris and I were in Bryce's room one morning after he just woke up, and I had his underwear out about to put it on. I said to Chris, "I don't know why I'm stressing myself out by putting these on him, it's like beating my head against the wall." I was frustrated because we had NO PROGRESS at all....well, maybe a couple of times. But I want you know, on that day, my son took off his underwear and walked into the bathroom ON HIS OWN, and sat on the potty ON HIS OWN, and went! He's been doing that ever since! It's like he woke up that morning and decided he was going to pee in the potty. I'm a very proud mom, so if you ever ask me for advice, my advice would be....don't worry yourself over it, because they will do it when THEY are ready!


Laura said...

Yea, Yea, Yea...I'm so glad for you and Bryce. My advise has always been that you can't make them potty train. They will do it when they are ready. Some are ready at 18 months and others (like my son) weren't ready until after turning 3. So don't stress over it.
Again, congratulations!