
A big, fat post about the kiddos and life

My, my, my. How can I ever catch up on all the milestones that have passed. Thank goodness I've been keeping Drew's baby book current, because I've been lacking with the blog.

Drew now has his first tooth! He got it just a couple of days before he was 5 months old. It's his bottom left one, and the right one is almost through too! This one is bothering him some. He's a big slobber monkey right now, and wants lots of cuddle time with mom. He rolls over from front to back and back to front now. He'll also scoot around in circles on the floor so he can see what he wants to see. I can tell he's going to be moving soon! He would crawl right now if he could figure out how!

Bryce is just getting more and more stinkin' cute by the minute! He says some of the most hilarious stuff you've ever heard. But on the other hand, he is talking NON-STOP! Blah, blah, blah. He'll ask me a question, I'll answer it, and then he asks me a question about my answer. It's adorable for awhile, but after about 12 hours of it..I'm done. I guess it's better than doing backflips off the couch or something. He's my buddy and he knows it. It's so nice to be wanted by him :)

Well, we had our taxes done a few days ago, and I'm so glad to report that we are getting a R.E.F.U.N.D. Yep. We got soooo burned by the IRS last year that we re-did our W2's and I had additional $$ taken out of each of my checks. Take that and the facts that this year we:
(a) made less money...I worked alot less after Drew came
(b) didn't cash out a pension...ahem...Chris
(c) added another dependent
We actually paid in WAY TOO MUCH! It's nice to get that payday, but it also makes me sick that the government has had that money earning interst on it and I didn't. Can I ever be happy? LOL!

I've been a big TV junkie the past few weeks. With all the shows being reruns due to the writers strike, I have gotten hooked on reality tv. Here's some of the shows I like to watch...
~Jon & Kate plus 8
~Big Brother
~American Idol
~The Girls Next Door
~The Bad Girls Club
~The Biggest Loser
~Celebrity Apprentice
and, non-reality, LIPSTICK JUNGLE! Oh my. This is a good one!