
Our first parent-teacher conference....

I am a very proud momma after last night's meeting with Mrs. Allen. I always wonder how he does when I'm not around, and apparently he's even a better kid for other people. He passed all the areas they tested him in, except for tying his shoes. He knows his complete address (even zip code!), phone number, birthday, all of the colors, upper and lowercase letters (and sounds)...well, you get it.

Mrs. Allen said most kids are at a Pre-A level with their reading. Bryce is acutally at the next level up, which is level A. She wants them to be on Level B by the end of the year and she doesn't think he will have a problem with that at all. The only area we needed to know about (which she stressed wasn't a big deal) is that he still gets pretty upset if he gets corrected for a mistake. He thinks he has to do things the correct way the first time, but thank goodness for erasers! It was so nice to sit down and chat with someone who spends more time with my son than I do these days!


Angie Morris said...

That's awesome! Mrs. B said the same thing about Ty...she said he takes it really hard when he does something wrong and she corrects him. Bryce is always doing such a great job when I see him in the hallway and I swear the day I subbed in music he didn't say a word :)

You got a great little man for sure!