
Oh hail!

I couldn't believe what was falling from the sky Friday afternoon! It started out as a thunderstorm, and then Bryce and I went to the window when we heard a little bit of hail. All of a sudden it was like golfballs were coming from the sky. They were bouncing all over the place. That's when we took cover. I couldn't hear my own voice over the hail pelting the back of our home. My MIL lives in Gallatin off of Brown's Lane. That's where the F3 tornado came through. Her house withstood the twister, but two streets up homes were leveled.

Here's the aftermath from our home:
Only our vinil got busted up in the back. None of our window were broken either. I consider us pretty lucky!


Deanna- yep Dee-na said...

u got some damage there... thankfully we had none over here.
but we had to get a new roof back in 03'. We are all so blessed. Praying that tornado season is pretty much done here.
are u going to the convention??? i am... and taking donna's class Sat. night at Scrappin USA. Thought I might run into you and meet you IRL. : )