
One Big FAT Blog

I haven't blogged since just before vacation. I've actually still been in the "vacation" mindframe since I came home Thursday night. I haven't had to work since I've been back, and reality is just now setting in. I also haven't had to get adjusted to the time change either! Okay, it's 8pm and I still have so much to do!

Arizona was a BLAST! My best friend celebrated her birthday on Sunday. We pretty much partied like rock stars the entire time we were there. There was alot of this:

Followed by this:

My sister made nice with the owner of a bar in Tempe, so we got to experience for the first time what it's like to be a VIP. Back door entrance, photos for the social pages, people buying you drinks. Loads of fun!

We also visited our old house in Avondale, AZ. It's changed alot since my parents moved to Tennessee. Here's a picture....

We all got along great for the four days we stayed together. I got too much sun (ouch!), but also got to blow off a little steam. I'm now relaxed, refreshed, and ready for whatever may come my way!