

Last Thursday night, someone very close to me let me down in a major way. I'm so disappointed in her. I tried every way to help when she needed help, only to see her spiral down the same path that, for a short time, she had come out of. I will spare the details because not only am I upset, I'm also humiliated in her behavior. All I know to do is pray for her, and hope that her night of incarceration will trigger a turn-around.


chandra said...

Sorry Monica. Having recently felt the same way about a family member, I have some idea how you must be feeling. I hope a change is in her near future and that your relationship is salvageable.

Angie Morris said...

Big hugs girlie!

Jacy said...

Sorry Monica It is so hard to watch someone you love continually make bad choices. I hope everything works out for the best for everyone involved. (((HUGS)))

Meredith said...

So true! Sorry girl!! Hugs! I have had been hurt badly from my father's bad choices. I hate to see it over and over... but he has to change himself. All you can do is pray! Good outlook!

Margie said...

I'm sorry Monica!

Anonymous said...

Very sorry!

Shannon said...

Sorry Monica! It's really hard to watch someone you love display destructive behavior. Prayers that she straightens up and you can salvage your relationship.