

Finally...I'm getting around to blogging a little :) Nothing extremely exciting has been going on with the family lately, hence the lack of blog entries. Add to the mix Mr. Drew, and that really leaves me with pretty much no time to be on the computer. I'm not at all complaining though. I have been quiet with so many people lately and sort of a "shut-in" because I've been savoring the moments with my babies. Drew is almost 11 months now and the reality of "my last baby" is hitting me hard. He's growing up sooooo fast. Everyday he does something new. He's walking all OVER the house now and just babbling his head off :) So cute!

Bryce is starting MDO in less than two weeks, and the soccer season starts next week! It's his first organized sports team (well, if you want to call it organized). I was glad to hear that they don't keep score. It's not a competitive league, it's just to teach the fundamentals of sports and group play. We're going to Dick's today to get a soccer ball and shin guards. I will definately shed a tear when I see my little Becks all decked out for his first shoe game.

Bryce said the cutest thing last night....I'm a huge Big Brother fan, so the POV comp was on last night (and being such a big fan with the After Dark show, I already knew who won) and I got up to get a drink. I came back and sat down on the couch with the fam. Bryce raised up and said, "Momma, Jerry won the power. The power of veto!" Awe!

So, I can't say how often I'll post over the next few weeks...it may be tomorrow, it may be the next day...it may not be for a week. I'm soaking it all in right now.