


What a week. Well, what a crazy two weeks.

I'm about to throw a bunch of info your way, so beware. Lots of stuff on my mind, and I'm not really wanting to seperate it all into different posts.

Last night was the open house for Bryce's MDO. We got to meet his new teacher, and let me tell you...I really think she's going to make them toe the line. Which is a great thing, especially since Kindergarten is right around the corner! Bryce is a good kid, don't get me wrong, but he gets out of ALOT of things by batting his eyes and turning on the waterworks. He knows what it takes. I think this year will be a great experience for him, and hopefully he will learn lots! I pulled out his Kindergarten workbook yesterday just to get him going again. We colored shapes and worked on writing the letter "A". At the end of the lesson, you're supposed to go through and quiz them things that begin with the letter "A". Well, there was a train on the page. An "A"lligator was conducting the train, and hauling "A"pples. Bryce KNEW this, but here's how our conversation went....

Me: What's in the train, Bryce?

B: bananas

Me: bananas? Are you sure?

B: yep, bananas

Me: who's driving the train?

B: A Crocodile

Me: Does Crocodile start with "A"?

B: nope, but it's a crocodile

Alright, I could still be confused by an alligator and a crocodile, but apples and bananas? He thinks he's clever ;) Just another reason why I would NEVER homeschool.

We're off today to the land of Wal-Mart to get a few necessary things. I only make a Wal-Mart trip about four times a year. I try to steer clear of that place as much as possible. I think the crowds of people mixed with the size of the place just don't sit well with me. I'm definately more of a Target girl. I'm sure I'll have a story when I get back...I always do.

I got an e-mail FINALLY that "Fearless Fourteen" is available at the library!!!! Right when I'm in the smack-dab middle of "The Choice" by Nicholas Sparks. Oh well. I had to pass on "Fourteen" the first go around because when I had planned on picking it up Chris had left with my library card And my wallet. It was the last day to pick it up, and they had closed by the time he got home, so I went back on the HUGE waiting list...and now I'm so EXCITED to finally get to read it!

On the custody front...
Our first home visit was last Monday. It was weird. That's about the only way to put it. She came wanting to "observe" our family, so we're all hanging out in the living room playing. Bryce is doing his usual, "Hey, watch me do this" stunts, and Drew is being pretty good. Then she starts an interrogation process of sorts. She's asking about drugs/alcohol, arrests, criminal activity, financial status...basically things I felt just weird letting Bryce hear her ask us. Luckily there's not much to tell, but I couldn't believe she did that infront of the kids. Anyway, she was nice and all. I tried to make her feel welcome. She snooped in the pantry and refrigerator, and toured the house. That was really it. We don't know anything at all yet, but she did say that she has to come by two more times. Oh boy!

We're really doing some soul searching about this entire situation. First of all, can we financially afford to go on? This first gig cost us just a little under $5K. O-U-C-H! We just got that statement a couple of weeks ago. There's tons more legwork to be done for the final hearing, which in turn means more moulah. Secondly, what are our odds that we could get custody now? We shot our wad the first time. The biggest thing we had on her really didn't make the judge flinch! Chris called the atty and he said "Factually we have enough for custody, but judicially you never know." Our atty was so PISSED after the first hearing. It really was ridiculous how it was handled. I think we really had our bubble busted after that and now we're contemplatig our next move. I don't put a price-tag on K's safety, but if the judge saw him in any immenent harm, I feel like he would have acted on that day. We just don't know what to do or where to go from here.


Angie Morris said...

Wow that custody battle does not sound like fun...I hope all works out for everyone :)

I think they will have a good MDO year this year.....let's hope anyways :) And I skipped the library and borrowed 14 from a friend LOL

Jacy said...

Yay!! Glad you finally got the latest S.P. book!!! Hope you enjoy it since you've waited so long.

Hope everything works out with getting custody. It sounds like a long difficult process. Are they planning on talking to him at all to get his take on everything?

Christy Sanford said...

ah big hugs... sounds like hubby had a great birthday and you had a great time chilling in the pool on your two hour " me" time!!!