
Back in the groove

I'm feeling so much better the past couple of weeks. I actually feel like doing stuff and I've quit putting things on the back burner (like this blog). My brain has been in a fog lately! I'm finally able to focus and accomplish a few things instead of stressing about them and never getting anything done.

Drew has shot up like a little weed over the past few weeks. He's really talking quite a bit which I'm not used to since Bryce was slow to talk. Here's a little sampling of his vocabulary....

-ma ma
-da da
-bye bye, and just bye
-MINE! (with an attitude)
-nigh nigh
-pat pat
-tickle tickle
-uh huh (for yes)
-uh uh (for no)

It's very sweet :)

As for Bryce and his tonsils....apparently he DOES have sleep apnea (by my own determination) and I'm going to lay down with him a few more nights before his appointment next week just to make sure it wasn't a fluke thing. I'll at least feel better about it. I hate the thoughts of him having this surgery, but I guess it's better now than later on down the road.

That's all for now, I wish I had the camera card so I could upload some recent pics! I will do that soon though. I'm off now to tweek things on this blog a little and I hope to have lots of posts to follow!


Chrisster said...

you forgot about "bath"