
It's not easy being Santa!

This is Bryce's "WOW" item for Christmas this year.  The kid is a Star Wars FREAK, and he has been wishing for this since he first spotted it in a toy catalog before Thanksgiving.  I really don't know how I feel about Legos.  We've s-l-o-w-l-y introduced them into our house with the small sets, and I am still finding little pieces scattered here and there.  It makes me crazy, not for stepping on them or getting them sucked up in the vacuum, but because I am a person who believes in "everything has a place, so put everything in its place".  I can only imagine how I will feel when he opens all 500+ pieces of this.

So, not only is he getting this Lego set, we also got him the fireboat, airplane and another Star Wars ship.  Annnnd my mom had to top all of that by getting him the Lego AT-AT walker.  Yep, all 1,137 pieces of it.  That must make our grand total of Lego pieces up in the millions by now!  

Chris and I have been tossing around the idea of how to store all these gagillion pieces.  He's from the school of "toss them all into a bucket", and I'm opposed.  I would rather keep all the sets separate.  We're open to suggestions on storage ideas, so if you see any pass them my way!


chandra said...

Keep em separate, nothing worse than trying to put one of those kits together and you can't find a piece because it's mixed with the millions of others.

Store them in that coffee table of Ana's you and I are both going to build!

busymomof3 said...

Parker has 400,000 legos as well, but will spend HOURS playing quietly with them, so I benefit! LOL
We kept an old train table in his room and that's where he assembles everything. I have little plastic bins that slide under the table for all the pieces.
I've heard some people keep the original box lid with instructions and keep each set in separate big ziplock bags, but Parker has mixed all his together. Once he builds it the first time, he never makes that thing again, always builds something completely different! LOL