

Whew! I need to think of a good INDOOR activity for us today. Temps are going to feel like 100 degrees. I just don't think this girl can hang. There's not much on the agenda for us today. I got awakened at 4:30 this am by my lovely pager, so I went in and did a scan and then hit up Starbucks for a pick-me-up. Too bad my body hasn't caught up yet. We're headed to the Y for the 8:15 body pump class (which I love!), and then back home for a little cleaning. Sounds like a sane day!


ashkaitnjakesmom said...

Yummy Starbucks! I had one yesterday for the first time in a long time! Stay cool today, it's going to be a scorcher!

Monica said...

Heather: I just usually get a "mild" coffee of the day. I don't like to drink my calories :)

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