
~~Pet Peeves~~

So everyone has pet peeves. I just thought it would be therapeutic to jot down a few. Here are mine, and feel free to share yours :)

~TOILET PAPER! It must be hung over and not under
~People who drive like maniacs
~Smacking food in your mouth
~People that are still shooting fireworks WAY past my bedtime!!
~Being ignored at a store when I need help


Kristen said...

A big fat AMEN on the toilet paper!!! Actually, all of those are pet peeves of mine too. With me, the utensils have to be pointy side down in the dishwasher. That, and repetative noises drive me batty (like clicking the tip of a pen over and over and over and over).

ashkaitnjakesmom said...

Omg, I don't think I could list all mine.. Here is a sample:

-People who don't use blinkers(can't drive)
-Smacking food noises
-People who whine about themselves so you'll compliment them
-People who walk slow blocking me when I'm trying to get somewhere
-Fake People

I'll stop now! :)

Riki said...

Gee if I only had unlimited writing space I'd get into my list.
The TP one gets me too, BUT we have to reverse ours temporarily in the house for potty training man likes to roll it out while he sits there. It kills me a little each day to have to have it in MY house the wrong way. I've secretly taken many rolls down & corrected them over the years too. :)

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that I still check in on your blog. And I agree, the toilet paper rolls out over the top, not bottom!