
Just another manic Monday....

We had a fun-filled weekend in the Dickens household! I had my living room painted, and I LOVE it! These pictures make it look a little more "orangey" than it really is. I decided to hire a painter to come in to tackle this job. I usually dig doing this kind of thing, but high ceilings, dark paint and a 2 1/2 year old just don't mix. They came in and started painting at 9am Saturday and were finished by 1pm! It would've taken me four days instead of four hours!

While they were working, I cleaned and purged items for our yardsale this Saturday. So, if you're in the neighborhood please stop by! It will be a big one!

I was feeling REAL generous this weekend...I guess I was happy about my new paint job.....but, I brought home a new XBOX 360 and a game for Chris. Yes, there was a small puddle of vomit beside the cash register when they rang that one up. His mom was going to give him money to buy one for his birthday next month, but I went ahead and got it figuring he could use the money for more games and accessories. He's happy, so I'm happy :)


Kristen said...

Loving the puddle of vomit comment. Lol.

Your paint looks awesome! What's that color called? It looks like it's a rusty something-or-other.

Monica said...


It was a color match that I had done at Lowe's. I pulled a dark cantaloupe (?sp) shade from my ottoman.

Anonymous said...

Wow love that color! Who painted it for you? We need our house redone :)

Tammy said...

Who did the paint job for you? We need to do our living room, but I want someone to do it for us. We have a 2 floors ceiling and windows that are even higher in there.

Shannon said...

Looks really good!!

ashkaitnjakesmom said...

I love it!!! Wow!!

Monica said...

Angie and Tammy: Thanks! I had Simmons custom painting do the job. He's the one who originally painted the house.